Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Home Acne Treatment offers Alternative Acne Treatment Drug Free Solutions

Alternative Acne Treatment Drug Free Solutions 

Home Acne Treatment offers Alternative Acne Treatment Drug Free Solutions.   Acne is a skin condition from which most of us have suffered at one time or another, especially in our teens, but for most people it lasted only for a year or two. However it ..is possible to have this common condition at any time in your life, and many people are plagued by acne throughout their adult lives, and find themselves in an endless search for a drug or product which will end their problem for ever.

Acne itself is a condition caused by excess oil in the skin, and this oil breaks down into fatty acids which cause the skin to inflame. This normally takes place on the face and neck, but can also create more serious scars in addition to the common spots and pimples.

There are many natural and alternative acne treatments available in preference to the conventional chemical acne creams and lotions. Although not technically an alternative acne treatment, as a first step it is advisable to analyze your diet as this can often contribute significantly to the condition. Avoiding processed and prepackaged food is advisable for all of us, regardless of any skin conditions, but an unprocessed food diet should be particularly beneficial for those suffering from acne. Fried and fatty oily food and food cooked in vegetable oils will contribute to the oils which cause acne, but healthy oils such as those contained in fish such as sardines can be consumed, these are known as Omega 3 oils.

A healthy diet will also improve how your body processes food and integral to this is drinking lots of water. Most of us do not drink enough water, only getting part of our necessary intake though the water contained in other products and beverages. Drinking water, up to 10 glasses a day or more, will help to cleanse your system of many of the oils and toxins which may contribute to acne.

Another alternative acne treatment with potential benefits is increasing your vitamin intake. This can be done by buying vitamin tablets and supplements, but care must be taken as high levels of vitamins in the body can also be harmful. Vitamin A supplements can help with acne but as with all supplements they should be taken in moderation and preferably in consultation with your doctor. Similarly Zinc is often seen as an aid to alleviating acne symptoms, as it can help inflammation reduction and helps the immune system which protects against infection. Zinc can be found in foods such as liver eggs and seafood in particular. There are other products created from herbs which are reportedly able to help acne sufferers.

Overall the best advice to those afflicted by acne who want to avoid conventional chemical treatments is to start with a healthy diet, and give this new regime a chance to work. Locate one of the many sites or books outlining a healthy eating plan concentrating on those foods which contain little fatty vegetable oils and significant omega 3 oils, and critically drink lots of water. This simple change may be enough to alleviate many of your acne symptoms.

Over The Counter Acne Treatment offers Causes Of Acne and New Treatment Approaches

Causes Of Acne and New Treatment Approaches 

Over The Counter Acne Treatment offers Causes Of Acne and New Treatment Approaches.  The causes of acne are not fully understood, but dermatologists have certainly evolved in their knowledge and treatment approaches. During the process, many things that were ...believed to be associated with acne have either been ruled out, or modified with a deeper understanding.

Acne can occur at any time during a person’s life. Whilst many people suffer acne during teenage years, not having acne then does not mean it may not develop as an adult. However, genetics does play a role. So if someone in your family has acne, there is a greater chance of developing it.

But acne is not contagious. During teenage years, for women who are menstruating, and women going through menopause, there are hormonal changes that are associated with acne.

Acne sufferers have oil producing glands that are more sensitive to regular levels of the hormone testosterone in their blood. Sometimes too much testosterone is produced. Women have small amounts of testosterone also, and for some women, adrenal or ovarian disease is an underlying cause of acne which causes excess production of these male hormones.

Testosterone, or the body’s heightened responsiveness to it, causes the oil glands to produce more oil than they should. Here, other factors such as excess shedding of the dead skin cells lining the hair follicle, a narrowing of the hair follicles, and irregular clumping of the cells within the hair follicles, come into play. The end result is that the follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil, and the opening of the follicle is blocked. This is called a comedone.

This environment favors the multiplication of the acne bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria lives on the skin and is normally harmless. But the oil and dead cells in the clogged pore are like food to it, and the breakdown products of this bacteria’s mealtime is irritating to the skin. If the bacteria multiply to the extent that the follicle wall breaks open, lesions can develop.

The role of inflammation in acne is being studied to give new insights into how to approach acne treatment. The inflammatory process within the skin can attract molecules that break down the collagen in the skin. This can lead to permanent damage – scarring. A research team at the University of Michigan is looking at testing treatments that reduce the intensity of the immune system’s response to the effects of the ‘acne invasion’. By reducing the level of inflammation, they hope to prevent acne scarring.

Over-The-Counter Acne Treatment Offers Over The Counter Acne Treatment

Over-The-Counter Acne Treatment  offers that  There are many types of over-the-counter treatments for acne. Most people, when first faced with an acne condition, usually go to the local pharmacy and buy an over-the-counter medication on ..the basis of recommendations from their friends or perhaps even television ads. It’s always a good idea, however, to consult with a doctor before using any kind of over-the-counter medication. Even though acne is a fairly benign condition, a doctor can advise on the best course of treatment and also offers suggestions based on your particular kind of acne.

Because of the large number of products available for treating acne, it can be difficult to decide which one to try. Depending on advice from your friends is not too reliable, because what works for one person may not work for another. It’s best if you have some background knowledge about the active ingredients in various acne medications, so you can make a better informed choice about which medication to try.

One of the most popular ingredients in acne treatments is benzoyl peroxide. It is found in gels and ointments and works by combating the bacteria which causes pimples. It is also useful for removing dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin. It is these dead skin cells which combine with sebum to create blackheads and whiteheads.

Benzoyl peroxide has been proven to be safe and effective in combating lesions. It can be used after acne has cleared up to keep the skin free from acne causing bacteria. The only side effect associated with this ingredient is dry skin, and this can be avoided by decreasing the frequency that it is applied on the skin. It can also bleach hair and clothing, so care must be taken when applying it.

Another popular ingredient in acne medications is salicylic acid. This prevents acne by clearing up dead skin cells which are accumulating too quickly and clogging the pores. Products which contain salicylic acid should continue to be used after the skin has cleared up to prevent future outbreaks of acne. The only side effects associated with salicylic acid are dry, irritated skin.

Other ingredients you may see in acne medications include resorcinol and sulphur. Resorcinol causes the top layer of skin to peel — including the dead skin cells which clog the pores. It is often combined with sulphur. It is not known how sulphur affects acne conditions, but it has been used effectively for more than 50 years. Sulphur is often combined with other ingredients besides resorcinol like salicylate acid and benzoyl peroxide. It is not usually used by itself because of its strong, unpleasant odor.

Of all these ingredients used for combating acne, benzoyl peroxide is probably the most versatile. It can be used in cleansing liquids or bars, as well as lotion, cream, and gels which are applied directly on the skin. The cleansing products are usually used once or twice a day, while the creams and lotions can be used as needed. They should be applied on the skin around the acne as well as the pimples themselves for most effectiveness. You must avoid getting benzoyl peroxide in the eyes, mouth or nose as it will cause irritation or inflammation.

Home Acne Treatment offers Alternative Acne Treatment Drug Free Solutions

Alternative Acne Treatment Drug Free Solutions  Home Acne Treatment offers Alternative Acne Treatment Drug Free Solutions.   Acne is a skin ...